"Hurricane Satellite" teaser animation for the Hurricanes' first road game against Texas A&M.
Animation wishing "Good Luck" to recruits on their high school football games for that week. Used a spreadsheet to automate the creation of After Effects compositions with recruit names and opposing schools

In total, 124 animations were rendered out and sent. 
Scarface-inspired animated recruiting graphic. A dozen versions were made featuring different top recruits.

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects.
Kickoff time and network announcement for Miami at Texas A&M (week 3, 2022 season). 

Shared on Twitter.
Birthday motion with syrupy text for a recruit whose nickname includes references to pancakes.
"Toggle Dark Mode" motion to tease the announcement of the Hurricanes' alternate Miami Nights jerseys created by Adidas. 

Shared on Instagram and Twitter.
The Hurricanes facility includes an immersive 360º projection space right by the entrance known as the Rotunda. I created a short animation to welcome recruits as they walk in. 

Cinema4D, Adobe After Effects, Resolume Arena.
Cloth and wind physics study in Cinema4D using a common brand motif: The Hurricane Warning flag.

Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effects.


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